Tools: PowerShell Providers & Website Creation

July 31, 2014
tools powershell blog foss

I found two great tools yesterday. Actually, that’s an grossly inaccurate statement. One of the tools I learned about at the PowerShell Summit earlier this year, but was just finally published to GitHub. The second tool isn’t really a tool, but a site indexing a bunch of tools, or frameworks, for generating static websites.


Joel Bennet (@Jaykul) posted on Twitter that he’s relaunched his blog and built it using the Static Site Generator Nikola and mentioned a site Before then, I knew about Jekyll and Octopress, which this site is built using. I had no idea there were so many options. Joel also noticed something about the list, there was not a single .Net based option. It didn’t take much Googling to find there are some options and StaticGen is hosted on in a GitHub repo and “everybody is welcome to contribute.” So, if you check out the site today, you will now find options for .Net based Static Site Generators.


One of my favorite presentations at the PowerShell Summit was given by Jim Christopher on his PowerShell Provider Framework. That opened my eyes to the power and simplicity of using PSProviders and P2F helps make building Providers “easy”. During the talk, he mentioned he’s working on a project that lets you build Providers using a PowerShell based DSL.

I have been working on a project this week to build a plugin for NewRelic to poll Perfmon counters. I knew what metrics I wanted to watch, but finding the exact counter Paths was a bit of a pain and required running Get-Counter -ListSet * to find the Set Name and then Get-Counter -ListSet “SetName” | Select Paths to get a list of Paths. I was constantly “zooming in and out” of a collection of hierarchical objects. Clearly this was a good use case for a Provider. I have used Jim’s P2F to build a provider before and it involves a fair amount of C#. He could build a Provider in 20 minutes. It would take me, and my meager C# skills, at least a full day or two. So, I asked Jim about the PowerShell Provider project.

It took me maybe 30 minutes to pull down the source, build it, read the examples and come up with this short script to create a Permon Counter Provider.

root {
    Get-Counter -ListSet * | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CounterSetName | foreach-object {
        $content = $_;
        script $content {
            Get-Counter -ListSet $content

Here’s an example usage.

PS C:> New-PSDrive perf -PSProvider simplex -root "C:\Scripts\PerfmonCountersDrive.ps1"
CD perf:\
PS perf:\> dir .\Processor | Get-Counter | Select -expand CounterSamples | ? InstanceName -eq '_total' | ft -AutoSize

Path                                             InstanceName       CookedValue
----                                             ------------       -----------
\processor(_total)\% processor time              _total        2.20832835820896
\processor(_total)\% user time                   _total        1.35821890547264
\processor(_total)\% privileged time             _total       0.970149253731343
\processor(_total)\interrupts/sec                _total        6429.09274985706
\processor(_total)\% dpc time                    _total                       0
\processor(_total)\% interrupt time              _total                       0
\processor(_total)\dpcs queued/sec               _total        866.239847045942
\processor(_total)\dpc rate                      _total                      11
\processor(_total)\% idle time                   _total        98.5678009950249
\processor(_total)\% c1 time                     _total        0.38036815920398
\processor(_total)\% c2 time                     _total                       0
\processor(_total)\% c3 time                     _total        94.9976517412935
\processor(_total)\c1 transitions/sec            _total        59.7406791066167
\processor(_total)\c2 transitions/sec            _total                       0
\processor(_total)\c3 transitions/sec            _total        8879.45627121346

Keep an eye on Jim’s blog for a more in depth explanation of Simplex. UPDATE: Here is the promised post: Introducing Simplex

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